African Violet Association of Australia

African violets
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Diary of activities of the African Violet Association of Australia


Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month except January and December at the Burwood RSL Club, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood NSW at 10.30 am.  Visitors always welcome.

10 June 2024 The main subject will be "Gesneriads in Winter", with a number of segments dealing with African violets.

8 July 2024



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Specialist meetings dealing with the other members of the Gesneriad family

Occasional Gesneriad meetings are held on weekends. Contact the Association for information.
Our regular meetings include talks and discussions of the other Gesneriads, as well as the African violets.

 African Violet and Gesneriad Show

The Association also holds an Annual Show and Display and Sales Days of African violets and other Gesneriad plants which are open to the public. Members exhibit and enjoy the exhibits of other members. There are usually plants and growing supplies for sale. This is an event both for all Association members to visit and  members of the African violet and Gesneriad loving public too.

African Violet and Gesneriad Display / Show will be held on Saturday 23 November. 
More details will be published on this site as available.
For photographs from some of our previous shows, follow the PHOTO GALLERY link above.

The African Violet Association of Australia, can be contacted by going to the Contact Us page.
Download a Membership form from here.

Follow our activities on FACEBOOK 
See great pictures on our PINTEREST page.